SafeTruck services
& Drivers Worktime
The analysis of the data recorded by the tachograph allows for a comprehensive assessment of the performance of the transport company – however, specialised knowledge and appropriate software are required. Based on this data, we can prepare the following documentation and analyses for our customers:
- settlement of drivers' working time for control purposes (AETR agreement and EU Regulation 561/2006),
- settlement of the drivers' work for the purpose of calculating the remuneration and the foreign salary within the scope of posting,
- verification of data completeness - detection of manipulation in the recording, incompleteness of data,
- verification of the circumstances related to a traffic accident,
- analysis of the company's profitability in the short and long term,
- analysis of the individual driver's performance in relation to different transport routes,
- analysis of fuel consumption in relation to routes and drivers.
SAFERTRUCK has a qualified staff with 15 years of experience in carrying out analyses and studies for companies, control authorities and courts of law.